Our featured speaker for the March 27th meeting will be John Kuriawa, an accomplished angler who will share his expertise in shad fishing. John has been a member of Trout Unlimited, theNational Capital Chapter (TU NCC), for a number of years and has been a regular guest speaker/presenter at the club’s annual shad night, which draws the largest audience of any TUNCC meetings. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to sharpen your skills in preparation for the annual spring shad run.
John states, “Fortunate enough to have a Dad that always made time to take me fishing, I’ve been casting a line from the shore or dropping one from a boat since my pre-school days. What started with hunting night crawlers in the backyard and loading rods into custom holders on my bike for what felt like long journeys to faraway lakes has turned into an obsession with becoming a better light tackle angler focused on shad, smallmouth, and saltwater species while working at NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), the federal agency with coastal and fisheries management responsibilities. The obsession brings me smiling through the tunnel at Fletcher’s each spring as there’s no place I’d rather be in April than a classic red boat on the Potomac in our nation’s capital. The world just feels more alive sitting atop so many damn fish! With 20 years of experience now and having digested virtually every book, video, and article I can find about shad, I hope to be able to share at least a few tips and techniques that will improve your game and I look forward to learning from you as well. We’ll cover everything from river conditions to tackle to netting shad, the ‘Where, When, What, How and Who’ of shad fishing.”
Where: Vienna Fire Station, 400 Center St South, Vienna, VA 22180
When: Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 at 7:30 pm (doors open at 7:00 for socializing)