Captain Steve Chaconas will discuss fishing with Mann’s fishing products. Also, he recently was appointed to the Maryland DNR Black Bass Advisory Subcommittee, and he will bring everyone up to speed on the changes in Potomac River regulations.
- Where: McLean Community Center – Stedman Room, 1234 Ingleside Ave, McLean, VA 22101
- When: October 26, 2016 at 7:30 pm (doors open at 7:00 for socializing)

Captain Steve Chaconas
About Steve
Steve brings 26 years of experience to his bass fishing guide service on the Potomac River. He has been featured locally and nationally in TV, radio, and print. He was the Fox Sunday News Power Player of the Week for two years. He is a recognized expert source on the Potomac River and is featured on WTOP Radio and many DC TV stations.
Captain Steve is also an outdoors writer with columns in BoatUS Angler Magazine, Sportsman’s Magazine, Woods & Waters, and The Old Town Crier, among others. He has written for the Free Lance Star newspaper, The Mount Vernon Gazette, The Mount Vernon Voice, The American Sportsfishing Association, and many others. Steve also hosted the National Bass Fishing Radio Show. In addition, Steve is featured as the BoatUS and fishing expert. His reports and commentaries appear online at Comcast Sports, BassFan, WFLS, and Bass N Edge, among other Websites. In addition, he has covered fishing events for radio and TV.
A U.S. Coast Guard Captain, licensed by the Potomac River Fisheries Commission and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Steve has been featured in local and national publications: Bassmaster, BASS Times, Bassin’ Magazine, Boat US Magazine, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, National Geographic, ESPN, and others. He’s been emcee of the St. Jude Children’s Hospital Tournament the past 20 years, a member of Boat U.S. Speakers Bureau and the Southeastern Outdoor Press Association, and the American Sportsfishing Association. Steve has been awarded an Excellence in Craft award from SEOPA and was the recipient of the Mount Vernon–Lee Chamber of Commerce 2002 and 2003 Home-Based Business of the Year Award. He has also been awarded the Potomac Conservation Award by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin.
Prior to fishing, Steve’s careers included teaching high school algebra and selling cars, computers, and surgical products. He also hosted the longest running all-financial morning radio show in the country in Washington, D.C. and is considered to be “The Father of Business Radio.”
Steve fishes the Lower Potomac from Pohick Bay into D.C. This includes the Spoils, National Harbor, Broad Creek, Swan Creek, Piscataway Creek, Little Hunting Creek, Dogue Creek and Shoreline. Check out his website at for more information on fishing with Steve.